Follow the energy and you will always be in the right place at the right time

What if you could assist your clients in not only KNOWING what is going on, but assist them in CLEARING it too?

Lastly, understanding and usage of the 'Clearing Statement' is huge! Although we will just be introducing it to you, the fun new way you will approach challenges will NEVER get old! Not to mention how your life will flow with ease, joy & glory, one of our favorite sayings at Access!

I look forward to meeting  you in one of the many classes being made available all over the world!

Empress Wisdom

All life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory.

Nancy Guest

Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator


As a bonus to the students adding this to their current business I cover the topics of how you will incorporate 'how to create more',  'intention' and 'desired outcome' and 'how to follow up'

Bars Class Fee is $350

To register for a class you can pay 1/2 down, then pay the other half at the time of the class. Contact me personally to register for a class and arrange payment.

As an Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner and Facilitator I see the benefit of utilizing the concept of 'Listening' with a 'clearing process'. Enabling the client to experience release of issues that are keeping them in the state of disharmony and agitation.

What else is possible?

Now you can expand your skills to include becoming a certified Access Consciousness Practitioner enabling you to use these techniques and assisting your clients in a greater way.

Class sizes are a maximum of 12 for greater connection to each student, as personal attention is very important to me.
And leaving with the feeling of confidence in your new skill is paramount to your success.

​​​Bars Classes take one day and usually go from 9 am - 5 pm with a few breaks during the day.

Class atmosphere is fun and creative allowing students the opportunity to make new friends and learn  technique  to transform  areas of their own life they are ready to change!

How does it get any better that this?

​During the day you will receive the BARS two times and you will give the BARS two times. Giving yourself a chance to clear many things that you may not even be aware of at the time.

In addition to the Student manual and tools for success at the end of the day you will receive a Professional  Certificate enabling you to serve your clients with the additional title of  'Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner'.